Welcome To The Shaken Not Stirred Life


A few years ago, I was a mom of three, and an award-winning social worker for a fortune 500 company. In November of 2017, my life changed. The company I had given my all for laid me off via email. Many people didn’t know because I didn’t sit around bitter. Though it made me ask the question, “Why now?” I was living comfortably but I was stagnant, I was not making change.

You see, I always had control when it came to jobs or at least I thought. I usually made the decisions to leave; not this time. The roller coaster of emotions began to come. At this time I felt trapped, caged, empty, and worthless. I lost MYSELF. I heard many women speak about this but never understood how this could happen. No one can save me, only I can save me.

Rejection hurts, but when you reject yourself, it becomes a tragedy of the masses. Now, on this journey, I am sharing my experiences, tips, tricks on how I have become this woman. I am still a work in progress. Over the past decade, I have found myself questioning my purpose and wondering what I’m here for. I would like to invite you on this journey with me, this is my story, my expedition, my process. Along the way, I hope I am able to assist you through my experiences from my lens so that you don’t have the same hiccups.

I am now content with myself, something that for years I searched for through relationships no matter if they were physically or emotionally. I needed assurance from others along with validation and that is no longer the case. I am the BOMB! I am a boss chick because I am enough. During the process of exploring my page, I hope you will be enlightened and find yourself.

The journey is not always smooth but the process is amazing. Through my page, I hope to take you on my journey of motherhood, wife-life, entrepreneurship, being an employee, and just being a boss. You see when you find your lane, you put your feet on the pedal and haul ASS.

Buckle up, this is going to be a bumpy ride. Hopefully you to will be shaken in life but hopefully never stirred.

Kalynn Jones