Quarantine Series Volume One: Trapped During 'Rona' With Your Significant Other


We are now in full lock-down, the tip of the pandemic. Your marriage has and will be tested in the next couple of weeks, hopefully, you guys have the anecdote. Open and honest marriage is not always great. There are many times where you both question can you do this forever. Sis, I’m here to tell you that it is perfectly fine. During this time you will learn that sometimes silence gives every answer needed for the situation. The thing is not to be perfect but to be able to be flawed and still accepted and loved by your mate. This is when liking your mate is such more valuable quality then loving him or her, please believe me.

While you shuffle through life and all your daily responsibilities in your house as an employee, spouse, parent, student, etc. whatever your hat or hats maybe you must find balance. Many times I questioned why my husband still wanted to fight because you see, like my girl on Love Is Blind, I have a self-sabotaging mechanism. This mechanism causes me to literally fuck shit up because a broken CD in my head told me I am not worth this goodness. All the hell I put him thru…if he was to ‘chuck deuces’ I deserve it. But you know when the light came on? My husband asked me how many times I was going to keep making him prove his love for me.

Let me say I am not a professional on marriage, I just plan to share my journey and tips on how I got here. All I have is the experience and knowledge I have gained from my journey. You see, I had a solid foundation in what marriage is from my parents and grandparents. Before I met and married the love of my life, I fantasized about what love was and he was “supposed” to be like. Cinderella rides off into the sunset with Prince Charming, right?. Truth is movies like Die Hard, Fifty Shades of Grey and Bad Boys would have better prepared me. Little things that used to be simple have turned into survival of the fittest, like sleeping. Whoever falls asleep first, keeps the other wide awake snoring like a bear.

We have somehow become in sync with one another. During this time I am grateful, I have someone to look at across the room in funny situations and we both know what the other is thinking. He’s that guy that makes sure I call him when I get anywhere so he knows I made it safely. And you know what, because of that, I don’t even complain when he calls me from the running shower asking for a rag because he forgot to check before he climbed in. OK… I grumble a little bit but in a very loving way.

He makes me laugh when I need to laugh at myself, he pushes me when I’m discouraged until I’m red in the face I’m so mad, but he is right every time. He believes in me and refuses to not let me give up on myself. Is marriage perfect? Not in the least. Is it one of the hardest things I’ve ever done? Probably. Do I regret it every day of my life? Never. It is the foundation that made me who I am and helped me to create this platform to show women our superpower.

Marriage is nothing like the sappy love stories, I have found out that it is BETTER.

Kalynn Jones